Jerome, a.k.a. Jeromey from the
Block, a.k.a Ferarri... 
Coming Straight-Outta-Concord!,
Jeromey from the Block will be
showcasing his skills as an 
intellectual triple threat, covering 
the news, music and sports. 
 Jerome's Latest Article...
Rafael, a.k.a. Tekket Easy
a.k.a. Pinolero...
Mistakenly thought he was hired 
by the San Francisco Chronicle, 
Raf will be contributing long-
diabtribes on everything from 
sports to other newsworthy events.

Rafa's Latest Article...



Like a star that shines so bright only to burn out in its own glory, 
Nicademiks has passed from the light into shadow.  Like the great 
dynasties of history, such as the Incan, the Roman and the 49er, 
all good things must come to an end, and that day has arrived for 
Nicademiks.  That's right folks, the website that brought you such 
great innovations as the movie review that gives away the ending 
has now itself come to an end.   Gone are the thoughts of the day...
gone are the great countdowns, the comic special guests...gone 
are the Nica of the Months...gone are the controversial political 
commentary...gone are the opportunities to bash the Raiders week 
in and week out...but most of all...gone are the good times, the 
laughs, and the guestbook signatures. But the legacy will last forever.  
In the words of the great philosopher P.Diddy [slightly edited]:

    We ain't, go-in nowhere, we ain't, goin nowhere
    We can't be stopped now, cause it's Nicademiks for life.

So while the updates will cease, the legend will continue.  We hope 
you enjoyed the show, sign the guestbook on your way out.  And 
make sure you buy you tickets and join us on the Nicademiks 
Farewell Tour, being held the first week of March, in the year of our 
Lord 2004.  The celebratory location will be the Land of Leche y Miel...
and if you don't know where that is...ya betta' ask somebody! From 
the Nicademiks Family to our faithful readership, we leave you with our 
final and fateful words...TEKKET EASY!

                                  - Nicademiks fo' Lia - 
                                        -  Dynasty -















Got a question or comment about something
you've seen on Here is
you're chance to sound off
to the editors and
columnists. Tell us what you think. Messages
will receive responses...interesting ones may
be posted on a future page.
The Columnists...
The Response...

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     Final Edition                  
     February 2004
© Nicademiks 2004