Pinolero's Top 10 Sports Movies
of All-Time
By Rafael Alvarado
Nicademiks Columnist

Top 10
  1. Hoop Dreams             A documentary which follows the lives of 
two talented inner city kids as they pursue
their dreams of playing basketball at the
highest level. An emotionally intense film,
at times heartbreaking. Ranks #1 because
it's actors.
  2. Field of Dreams        A film which incorporates baseball as both 
a backdrop and a metaphor for life and
dreams. If you have ever played catch
with your pops, bust out the kleenex, you'll
need it towards the end of the film. I love
you Dad.
  3. When We Were      Centered around the "Rumble in the Jungle",
   Kings                            this film brings us back to a distant time and 
place, where two great fighters (Ali and
Foremen) square off. Ali's interaction with
the people of Zaire showcases his world
popularity. Two words: Ali, bomaye!
   4. Jerry McGuire      Told through the life of a sports agent, this
story highlights the greed and selfishness
that has turned professional sports into
an unsavory business. This film gave us
so many catchphrases.
  5. Rudy                        "You're five
and-nothing..." This story proves to us
that passion and determination can take
us a long way. Rudy, Rudy, Rudy....
  6. The Sandlot            No, I didn't put this movie in the count-
down because people tell me I look like
Benny "The Jet" Rodriguez. The Sandlot
made the list because it pleasurably depicts
childhood friendships and the process of
growing up and facing ones fears.
  7. Brian's Song/       These two films made the ranking for their
Remember the value as social commentary. They get the
Titans nod for their portrayal of individuals
learning to become friends through sports,
in spite of their racial differences.
  8. Bull Durham          A witty film about an aging catcher 
working towards his opportunity to play in
"The Show". The interactions between Crash (Costner) and Nuke (Robbins) are funny. And who can't appreciate Crash's wisdom, best illustrated by his "I Believe"
  9. White Men            "We're goin' to Sizzler! We're goin' to 
Can't Jump Sizzler!" This movie had so many
memorable lines. I don't know what was
better, the basketball or the trash talking.
 10. The Endless        A non-conventional sports film, this 
Summer documentary follows two surfers around
the world as they search for the perfect wave.
The surfing is not as interesting as the places
these two young men go and the people
they meet.
Honorable Mention:
  Rocky, Major League I, Tin Cup, Raging Bull, Hurricane, Eight Men Out, Hoosiers.

Ever watched a good sports movie and wonder where it falls among the best sports movies you ever watched. Well, that is exactly what I did here at! Below is Pinolero's choices for the Top 10 Sports Movies of All Time.

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