[The Soap Box Takeover: continued from the previous page]
So, like I said, it's the Takeover, and it my turn to step up to the mike up
in this piece. Let me start off by saying that I have little sympathy for the
injustice this cat feels he experienced. Do we really need a guy like this
as a college professor. Its really sad how oppressed the white man is
now a days. With all the blacks, Hispanics and women filling all those
professorship slots, there's no room for the white man. I know that those
of us who were lucky enough to get to go to college feel this way,
because I never had a white male as a professor. (NOTE THE SARCASM).
The reality is that even now, in the 21st century, minorities are still
underrepresented in many areas of society. Some would have you
believe that equality has been reached and that reverse discrimination
is our most pressing concern, but in most, if not all major facets of power,
white males hold a disproportionately large amount of the positions (has
anyone seen a Senate meeting lately or an NFL owners meeting for that
Let me touch on a few of his comments point-by-point. With regards to
the assault on America's borders, language, and culture…what is the
definition of American culture and who gets to define these concepts?
It seems to me that this is a complex issue. When I think of the word
American culture, I think a diversity of cultures, a culture of many
cultures. Travel around the country and you know what I mean.
American culture is not just a culture of European ancestry, as Savage
might want you to believe. Yours truly here is part of American culture
and I do not define myself as Savage sees fit. And that is what it comes
down to folks…who gets to define these terms? Up to just recently, its
been white folks. That is why blacks were enslaved and other minorities
have been oppressed, because hegemony in the country, much like
today, was the privilege of a few white males. And it starts with definitions.
If blacks were not considered men, as was the case during slavery, why
grant them rights? That was the logic of whites back then. Definitions
matter and that is why it's important to step up to the soapbox and take
control of these definitions. It's about damn time that we start defining
ourselves instead of leaving it up to others.
The crazy part is that even within communities of European ancestry,
there is still much diversity. Think about it…the people of European
ancestry that decided to settle in Utah for religious reasons known as
Mormons are a different community that the Italians who settled in New
York or the Irish that Settled in Boston or the Russian Jews who arrived
after World War I. So which one of those four communities constitutes
American culture? All of them! They are all a part of what makes up
American culture…which, let me say, also includes blacks, Hispanics,
Asians, Native Americans, etc. We are all part of American culture and
we all get to define what American culture is by just our very presence
in this country. More and more, we have to take control of our identity,
our diverse American culture.
But Savage would never see his own country in that way and would
never want to. In his world, only his opinions matter. And that explains
all of his ignorant comments, ranging from his berating of those film-
makers to his views on SUVs. He only wants to see the world through
his narrow lens. Those of us with a wider lens know that it is important
to keep a check on police, because of their track record of abuse in
our communities. I have respect for law enforcement, but since they
are employed by my tax dollars, I feel I have every right to make sure
they are doing a good job and policing the country evenhandedly.
Those of us with a wider lens know that the SUV issue must be
considered from all angles, including one that consider those in smaller
cars and one that considers the environment. (Contrary to popular
belief, SUVs are not safer) Those of us with a wider lens know that
stereotyping is unnecessary and counterproductive, what we need is
more understanding. And those of us with a wider lens know that
American is not a euphemism for European, but rather a mosaic of
diverse individuals whose background reflects the whole world.
But hey, that is just me shouting from my soapbox, maybe you should
get up on yours…
- Tuesday, February 11, 2003