II want to write in support of the liberation of Iraq. I was offended by the use of statistics to show how much it cost the U.S. to fund the liberation of Iraq. Liberty and Freedom should have no price tag because they are priceless. The Iraqi people have long suffered under the tyranny of a brutal dictator that has used intimidiation, rape, chemical weapons, murder, torture, and other tactics to keep his power. Granted, the U.S. supported Hussein during the 80's in order to keep Iran's influence in the region in check. That was a necessary evil because we did not want muslim fundamentalists in charge over the region because that would have possibly started another war against Israel. But the U.S. ceased support for Hussein after his act of aggression against Kuwait. With this war of liberation, the U.S. needed to free the people of Iraq in order to fulfill our ideals of living under freedom and trying to spread freedom for all the people of the world. Second, under our preemptive doctrine, we must attack wherever there are terrorists so we can rid the world of this cancer. It is our duty to undertake this task because we are
the world's strongest nation, and if we didn't under take this initiative then all of our talk about morals, liberty, freedom, and human rights would have been sheer hypocrisy. Also, without the liberation of Iraq, the U.S. would not have had the power to present nor to implement the MidEast Peace Roadmap. With the projection of power in the region that told the governments of the Middle
East, that the U.S. was serious about stopping terrorism and tyranny, it compelled Arafat to step down and bring Sharon and Abbas to the table. The U.S. is being evenhanded in the proces just as it always has. In 1947, the U.S. recognized the state of Israel. In 1956, the U.S. forced Great Britain, France, and Israel to remove their forces from the Suez Canal because Nasser, the President of Egypt wanted to nationalize it. The U.S. evenly gives aid to Arab nations and Israel. If there is to be any discussion about the liberation of Iraq, it must be placed in the context of history and in a real political sense. The U.S. has the power to do good and is doing exactly that. Why castigate U.S. policy if we are just trying to promote peace, democracy,a nd freedom in the region? If we are to use numbers to note the amount of money we are spending in Iraq, then why don't we include the number of people who are now liberated and will enjoy peace and prosperity in the future.
- July 10, 2003
In Favor of the Liberation of Iraq By Luis Quinonez Nicademiks Guest Columnist
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